Kristin Cancilla Zieg

I'm so glad you're here
Our lives unfold as bodies and souls determined to reunite. To heal one and not the other is to save the ship but not the sails.
The One Mind One Body approach
Kristin uses to bring whole life wellness
has developed into a multidisciplinary
psychotherapy practice.
This journey is a holistic venture - the process of combining physical and mental modalities to support the greatest amount of healing.

To know ourselves is the ultimate act of belonging. To know others and allow them to know us follows from that rooted place. The central premise of One Mind - One Body, of every endeavor in the mental health space, is that to enter is to be known. The process of healing necessities healing in both mind and body - without one you cannot fully have the other. Together, lives are changed. My practice exists to reconnect and heal people with themselves so they are known people who radiate knowing in how they live, move, and have their being.

Walking through the physical healing process has included mind and spirit, but it felt like a composite today that I haven't understood before. So thanks for doing such an amazing job of bringing body, mind and spirit together in a new way for me!
Kristin is a master with trauma yoga. She exudes compassion and care and has taken precious time of hers to help me learn the value of this practice and it has brought release and healing to my life in a tremendous way. What she does is QUALITY. You are exceptional.
“My right hip holds a ton of trauma, and your classes help me pull out a
lot of pain.... It seems I cry whenever I stretch it out. Your Yoga classes open my mind and speak peace to me. I don't feel so trapped and lonely in all parts of my life. Your story gives me hope and a sense that things will ultimately be all right.